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How to competently open your own flower shop with delivery?

promPR Сельское хозяйство 25 октября 2023, 14:21

How to competently open your own flower shop with delivery?

Opening your own flower delivery shop is not difficult in principle. You can make good money on them, so we can share information on how to do it right.

The market for the sale and delivery of flowers is highly competitive, in addition, this area belongs to the seasonal business. Therefore, in order not to lose investments and stay afloat, it is necessary to solve several important tasks:

- we select a good place to sell flowers. It's okay if the rent is a little more expensive, the main thing is the high traffic of people during peak hours;
- choose good suppliers, for example http://sankt-peterburg.floristum.ru/. These can be flower bases in a given city and its environs. It is not always profitable to carry flowers from afar;
- it is necessary to develop distribution channels. It can be street trading, as well as pre-orders for delivery;
- we carry out the purchase of refrigerators, other equipment;
- hiring consultants and florists. You can immediately take on experienced ones, but if you don’t have independent sales experience, you can try to take on anyone who wants to, when you have personal experience and want to assemble a team for yourself;
- do not forget about the accountant. You can choose a person for outsourcing. This will save you money in the first place.
Also, you can choose Floristum.ru as an aggregator of flower shops. Usually, flower delivery in St. Petersburg is the most popular, and if you add the products of your store to floristum.ru, you can receive additional orders for bouquets for free. Sales will increase many times over, and this does not require investments

The online store offers flower delivery throughout the country, so orders will be constant and customers will be generous. Almost everyone who orders bouquets of flowers comes back again. Cooperation with the Internet resource is beneficial, partners also receive direct benefits from this.

What is the benefit of flower business?

Nothing is valued like a good bouquet. It is useful for weddings, birthdays, anniversaries and corporate events. The larger the city, the more profitable it is to engage in this business. Of course, there is competition, but if you properly manage your investments, then the business will pay off quickly.

Small points on the street during the season will bring maximum income. In a large shopping center, even counters are not needed, a few shelves and racks are enough. It is better to recruit experienced florists, they will bring more profit for the season, and then, if necessary, they can be gradually replaced if they are expensive.

Business on flowers depends on the seller's sociability, the ability to catch the mood of the buyer. When using orders from the online store, it will be much easier. Here you only need to reproduce the desired bouquet at the request of the client from the best flowers.

Using these tips, it is as easy as possible to promote the flower business in Russia.